

Please get in contact if you are interested in authoring or co-authoring a blog post on

In June 2024, we moved this blog to Substack -- please subscribe there to receive all of our posts.



Contribute to our harms pages!


Just 5 days after launching, we are already getting excellent engagement. This has been largely driven by a post to my network on LinkedIn, which has gotten a great response and driven a good initial flow of visitors to the site. Content is still in early days, but we are building fast.


This blog is to explain what we are doing with our new harms pages, and to seek your help.


We are aiming to create a page for each harm in our evolving harms register. The first one is on abuse of personal data, a subject that I know well (and the page is a good start, but we will improve it substantially).


We will continue to develop these pages ourselves, but we are also looking for contributors to develop pages in their areas of expertise. Here is the deal:

  • You provide the content, and we edit it. We reserve the final say on edits, but we won't publish without your approval.

  • Your organization is featured as a contributor on the page.


If you are interested, please check out our harms register for harms that you find interesting to write about (or feel free to identify additional ones) and get in touch!


Maury Shenk