Category: Social Disruption
Potential Source of Harm: Labor Market Effects
Updated January 15, 2025
Nature of Harm
Over recent years, there have been numerous forecasts that AI-related applications will reduce the number of jobs available to humans. Many of these forecasts have been based upon (apparently) careful research, but they also appear to be driven by (or interpreted to match) the popular / news appetite for bad news about AI.
Notwithstanding such predictions, most evidence from previous technological revolutions and so far from AI is that:
Some excellent papers on workforce effects of AI include:
World Economic Forum, The Future of Jobs Report 2025 (January 2025)
As one anecdotal example, "buy now pay later" scale-up Klarna reported in March 2024 that it has stopped hiring, including because of workforce efficiencies of AI.
There have also been widespread complaints that labelling of training AI data involves low-paid work that exploits workers in developing countries.
Regulatory and Governance Solutions
Responding to the major labor market change expected from AI will require a complicated mix of government and private action. The IMF report linked above proposes an AI Preparedness Index on a country-by-country basis, with the following components:
As the labor market effects of AI increase, government and private sector programs to promote AI preparedness and adjustment will increase. There are also likely to be some direct restrictions on use of AI for certain applications, such as:
Technical Solutions
There are very few technical solutions to negative labor market effects of AI, because those effects are typically the intended result of the technology rather than an unintended side effect.
Government and Private Entities
A large number of government and private entities have been considering labor market effects of AI. A few organizational sites providing resources on this issue are: